Redundant & disused underground tanks and pipework have the potential to remain dangerous or even explode if they have not correctly been made safe.
Image: Handy Fuel recently decommissioned a 10,000L Petrol UST & Bowser successfully for a private client in Malaga WA in strict accordance with AS Standards.
Soil contamination resulting from leaks in redundant fuel tanks is a growing concern as ageing steel tanks may begin to fail. Our modern fuel blends corrode older tanks and fittings much faster than before.
If you need to upgrade a site that has old fuel tanks that are now decommissioned and out of service, Handy Fuel WA specialises in tank decommissions and the safe and proper removal of fuel storage tanks in Western Australia.
HandyFuelWA has extensive experience in all aspects of the servicing, maintenance and decommissioning of above and below ground storage tanks. All of our work is always completed with complete regard for the environment.
We specialise in the assessment, installation, testing, commissioning, maintenance and management of both Underground and Above Ground Fuel Storage Systems. We offer a complete service to ensure all fuel storage and supply systems are maintained and remain in optimal condition.
If you’re considering replacing your underground tanks or changing your fuel storage configuration, it’s time to call in the experts in underground tank removal and decommissioning.
UST Case Study
As shown in the recent following case study, Handy Fuel WA safely and effectively surveyed and removed a redundant 10,000L petrol UST, decommissioned with land remediation:
Area scanned for services;
Surgical excavation around the tank;
Bowser & tank carefully removed;
Tank emptied, purged & gas tested;
Environmental soil sampling & testing conducted;
Land backfilled & resurfaced;
All work conducted in accordance with AS 1692:2006 & AS 1940:2017.
Call or message us for all fuel tank decommissioning works & have the job done correctly, safely and with complete regard for the environment.